Daily Devotionals

DECEMBER 23, 2021

This is the fourth week of Advent. Our devotions this week are on the theme of “God So Loved the World.”



The Lord has made his salvation known
and revealed his righteousness to the nations.
He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel;
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,
burst into jubilant song with music!

Psalm 98:2-4

Made known. . .Revealed. . .Seen. These are the actions of God. They are not my actions; they are His. God does the saving, and He makes it known by coming to earth: living the fullness of a human life, sharing that life with people around Him, suffering on our behalf, dying unjustly.  And then He shatters death’s grip on us through the power of His resurrection. 
God reveals His righteousness through the written and preserved evidence of people He loved, called, and saved. We have these accounts in Scripture and through the revelations of all the people in history who understood God’s love. This love was revealed through Martin Luther, John Calvin, Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, Fanny Crosby, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr., Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Gene and Martha Wilson, Frank Harrington, Vic Pentz, Rich Kannwischer—and you could add even more to that list.
The only thing that remains is for that love to be SEEN. All over the world this week, that love will be shared in community. It will be seen in homes and neighborhoods, in prisons and hospitals, in both big and small churches. It will be expressed by strangers to strangers, offered between beloved friends, and welcomed in reunion with family. The love of Christ, as He brings us all back to Him, will truly be seen to the ends of the earth. Amen—and Merry Christmas!

For Reflection

How has God revealed His love to you today?

Where have you seen evidence of His love?


Gracious and loving Lord, bless me this Christmas so that I may see You. Reveal to me Your strength so that I will have the courage to share Your message of salvation in this world. Make Your ways known to me so that I may walk in them all the days of my life and invite others to join me. Amen.

Mary Hoffman
Senior Music Ministry Director